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Consumer Information

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a free application, located at If you are on a website that is going to charge you to do the FAFSA, please leave the site immediately.

Student Consumer Information Overview

The Student Consumer Information regulations of the United States Department of Education require colleges and universities to provide prospective and current students and employees access to certain information to which they are entitled as consumers.

Schools must also provide a notice of student rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

For each targeted area, the information found below includes a brief description, the office phone number where the information may be found, and, where appropriate, a link to the information's Web address. Please feel free to contact any of the offices indicated.

Please note that consumer information is also available in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Campus Contacts for Consumer Information

Individuals seeking assistance with obtaining general institutional consumer and disclosure information should contact Andy Olson, Marketing and Communications Director. 

Nondiscriminatory Policy

Virginia Highlands Community College promotes and maintains educational opportunities without regard to race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender, age (except when age is a bona fide occupational qualification), disability, national origin, or other non-merit factors. This institution prohibits sexual harassment including sexual violence.

Plans for Improving Academic Programs

Privacy of Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law that was enacted to protect the privacy of students and their educational records. For additional information concerning FERPA, please contact the Registrar at (276) 739-2461.

Student Rights to Inspect, Review, and Amend Educational Records

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights concerning their educational records. Included in these rights are the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access and the right to request the amendment of education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. For additional information concerning student rights under FERPA, please contact the Registrar at (276)739-2461

Cost of Attendance/Education

For information on costs associated with attending school (tuition and fees, books and supplies, transportation costs, etc.), please contact the Financial Aid Office at (276) 739-2411.

Financial Aid/Assistance

For information on available federal, state, local, private, and institutional need-based and non-need-based assistance programs, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (276) 739-2411 or use the following links:

College Refund & Withdrawal Policies

For information on VHCC's tuition refund policy and procedures, please contact the Business Office at (276) 739-2501 or see the VHCC Catalog and Student Handbook - Refund Policy.

For information on VHCC's class withdrawal policy and procedures, please contact the Admissions Office at (276) 739-2417 or see the VHCC Catalog and Student Handbook - Withdrawal from a Course.

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

For information on associations, agencies, and governmental bodies that accredit, approve, and license of Virginia Highlands, please contact the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office at (276) 739-2436.

For information on receiving a copy of the school's accreditation, licensure, and approval, please contact (276) 739-2436. 

Title IX

As a recipient of federal funds, Virginia Highlands Community College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, admission and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and similar conduct constitute sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The Title IX Coordinator is Michael McBride, whose office is located at ISC 128-F, and may be contacted by phone at 276-739-2402 or by email at The Deputy Title IX Coordinator is Kevin Widener, whose office is located in ISC 151C, and may be contacted by phone at 276-739-2582 or by email at

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

VHCC recognizes and accepts its obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of a disability and requiring the College to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified disabled students in all College programs and activities. Persons with a disability who are considering applying for admission on a full-time or part-time basis should schedule an appointment with the ADA Coordinator, Karen Copenhaver. For additional information, please contact the Excel office in the ISC Building room 124, (276)739-2404,

Academic Programs 

VHCC provides an extensive schedule of course offerings and programs to serve the diverse needs of its students. All educational opportunities will be offered regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender, age (except when age is a bona fide occupational qualification), disability, national origin, or other non-merit factors.   Programs include:

  • Associate Degree programs to prepare individuals for transfer as upper-division students to baccalaureate degree programs in four-year colleges and universities;
  • Associate Degree programs to prepare individuals for careers as technical and paraprofessional workers;
  • Certificate and Career Studies programs, which prepare individuals for careers as technicians and skilled and semi-skilled workers.

VHCC is dedicated to continuously improving the learning opportunities and services available to its students. As part of this process, program reviews are completed for every degree, certificate, and career studies program every five years.

The purpose of the Program Review is to:

  • To guide program improvement by helping faculty to examine systematic assessment data and feedback.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of programs by assessing student outcomes.
  • To continuously improve institutional effectiveness and efficiency by conducting a comprehensive review of the curriculum and instruction.
  • To provide information for use in planning and resource allocation.

For a detailed listing of the college's programs of study and additional information on the college's program review process, please contact Student Services (276) 739-2438 or the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office (276) 739-2436.

Instructional Facilities

VHCC has several facilities dedicated to serving the training and education needs of our students. These facilities offer different environments to support the various levels of use of technology in support of instruction. Instructional facilities include:

  • Main campus facilities - 9 buildings - including offices, classrooms, laboratories, auditorium, coffee shop, greenhouse and library

For additional information on Virginia Highland's facilities contact the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services office or use the following links:

Faculty and Staff

To access Virginia Highland's faculty and staff directory, please use the following link:

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

The Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs are specifically designed for students who want to transfer to a senior institution. Virginia Highlands has several articulation agreements with senior institutions, and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) offers guaranteed admission agreements with several of Virginia's public and private colleges and universities. For additional information on the college's articulation agreements and guaranteed admissions agreements, please contact the Student Services at (276) 739-2438.

Transfer Credit Earned at Another Institution

For information on transfer credit earned at another institution and how this credit may be eligible for transfer to VHCC, please see the VHCC College Catalog and Student Handbook - Admission of Transfer Students 

Student Activities

The Student Activities Coordinator, located in the ISC Building, Room 100 C, coordinates social, cultural, educational, and recreational programs to enrich campus life.

The Arts Array Series is an outreach program that brings foreign and independent films, concerts, lectures, museum exhibits, and other cultural events to the community. Many of our Arts Array events are free and open to the public. Films shown at the VHCC Campus are free and open to the public. Please see an individual event to learn if an RVSP is required or if there is an additional cost associated with attendance. 

Music and dance performances, art exhibitions, lectures, plays, clubs and intramurals are all part of Virginia Highlands's student activities program. For additional information, contact the Student Activities Coordinator, (276)739-2518 or for the Arts Array Coordinator, (276) 739-2550.

Student Retention, Completion, Graduation Rates

For information on student retention, completion, and graduation rates, please contact the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office at (276) 739-2436.

Student Transfer Rates

For information on VHCC's student transfer-out rates, please contact the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office at (276) 739-2436.

Student Demographics

For information on VHCC's student demographics, please contact the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office at (276) 739-2436.

Career and Job Placement Services

For information on graduate employment rates, please contact the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office at (276) 739-2436. Graduates and students seeking assistance with career related matters should contact the Coordinator of Recruitment and Career Services at (276) 739-2547.

Copyright Infringement - Policies and Sanctions

For information on school policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement, please contact the Vice President of Instruction & Student Services at (276) 739-2428, use the following links for more information:

Violations of the college's copyright policies will be referred to the Student Advisory Committee for their action.

Computer Use & File Sharing

For information on VHCC's computer use and file-sharing policies, please contact the Help Desk at (276) 739-2500.

Campus Security & Public Safety 

The Campus Police Department at VHCC strives to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff, and campus visitors. The officers have jurisdiction on the main campus, on all property owned or leased by the college, and on public streets and roads. Campus police enforce Virginia law, parking and traffic regulations, and assist local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Officers patrol VHCC facilities and parking lots and provide emergency assistance as necessary.  For additional information on campus security or to request a paper copy of the college's annual security report, please contact the Campus Police Department at (276) 739-2448 or (276) 614-8282, use the following links for more information:

Emergency Response & Evacuation Procedures

The College has a Crisis Management Plan and a Continuity of Operations Plan to address response to various potential threats and hazards and for continuing business operations and academic programs in the event of a major disaster or event that impacts college facilities. Included in the Crisis Management Plan are procedures for communicating emergencies to the campus community, evacuating facilities, providing shelter-in-place locations and actions to take in the event of lockdown orders. Information regarding these plans may be obtained from the Campus Police Office (276) 739-2448 or the Vice President of Administrative and Financial Services (276)739-2426.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policies & Prevention

To comply with federal laws (the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989), students and employees must receive materials annually that contain standards of conduct, a description of the various laws that apply in that jurisdiction regarding alcohol and drugs, a description of the various health risks of drug and alcohol abuse, a description of counseling and treatment programs that are available, and a statement on the sanctions the college will impose for a violation of the standards of conduct. For additional information, please contact the Vice President of Instruction & Student Services (276)739-2428 or use the following link:

Textbook Information

For textbook information, including the International Standards Book Number (ISBN) and retail price, please use the following link for more information:

VHCC Policy Regarding Vaccinations

There are no vaccination requirements for admission to VHCC. However, some academic programs, particularly allied health programs, may require vaccinations for participation in laboratories and clinicals. Students interested in programs in this field should consult with the academic unit for specific information. For information on these programs and all related admission requirements, please contact the Admissions Office at (276) 739-2417.

Voter Registration 

VHCC encourages all students to register to vote. For more information on voter registration, please use the following link:


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